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1. What is the use of company policy?

Company policy is set in place to establish the rules of conduct within an organization, outlining the responsibilities of both employees and employers. The management of company policy and procedures aims to protect the rights of workers as well as the business interests of employers. A company policy is a guideline to help employers deal with employee accountability, health, safety, and interactions with customers. A company policy helps foster employee wellness, and fair treatment, and ensures that a company is following laws and regulations.

2. Why company needs a policy?

Employers are often confronted with employee relations issues in the workplace and faced with deciding the best approach in handling these issues. Company policies are created to establish expectations and to provide guidance on how to consistently handle workplace situations. Although most company policies are not all-encompassing, they provide direction regarding what is appropriate as well as inappropriate or unacceptable behaviour. Company policies help maintain order within the organization and ensure that people are treated fairly and equally. Policies also help employees understand what is expected of them.

3. Probation Period Rules & Regulations

The probation period is a duration of time in which the performance and behaviour of the newly hired employee is monitored by the company or seniors in order to check the employee’s potential as well as the employee’s suitability for the job. The probation and confirmation policy clearly stated that a new employee should meet the set standard of performance, should follow the code of conduct of the organization and behave in an acceptable manner. Our organization has a 15 to 30 days probation period. The probation examination period is also considered as an extension of the selection process. The probation process begins with appointment and later stages include job allocation, completion of probation period and review of performance. The Project coordinator and HR department play important roles throughout the critical examination and evaluation period of the employee. Employee Introduction & Query Day First whole day of a New Employee is an Introduction & Query Day in the Company. Employees should need to read this document clearly with a sharp mind. So that employees can fulfil their roles & responsibilities very well and can give their best performance in the probation period. Employees should meet the expectations of the company so that, according to the employee performance, the company can take an employee on-roll and employees can clear their probation period. Employees need to understand the rules & regulations of the company and understand their work in the company. If an employee is unable to understand the rules & regulations or roles & responsibilities or faces any query regarding this document, then the employee can contact the management to answer their queries on the first day only. So, then management can help them to solve their queries & issues. After that, the employee can understand & meet the expectations of the company. Then, after the second day, the company will not tell employees their roles & responsibilities or rules & regulations or whatever is mentioned in this document. If an employee neglects or breaks to follow this document process or rules, then the company can terminate the employee. So, it’s the employee’s duty to follow the rules properly & strictly mentioned in this document.

4. Probation and Confirmation Policy?

The company will assign the work to the employee, provide guidance and invest their time so that the employee can fulfill it, but if, in case the employee leaves the company during the probation period, then the employee needs to pay a 1 Month salary to the company as a penalty.

After joining, the reporting manager will assign jobs to the employee and will set a standard goal or target. This goal should be agreed by the employee.

At the end of the probation period, the set performance target and the achieved performance will be compared by the reporting manager.

The manager will assign you the work. Then it’s a new employee's responsibility to finish a given range of tasks on the set deadlines. If there is a gap between the agreed work plans, the set target and the actual performance of the employee, then the manager has the authority to conclude that work performance was not satisfactory. If an employee fails to achieve the standard performance, then the organization can guide you for the improvement of performance or can directly terminate the employee.

Employees should perform the duties and carry out the assignments entrusted to them from time to time efficiently, faithfully and to the best of their ability and capacity.

Employees should keep and render a faithful account of all property and business secrets of the company entrusted to the employee in the course of your employment and should not disclose to anybody at any time, during your services or even after employee leave the services of the company.

During the course of employee employment with the company, employees cannot accept any other employment, full –time or part-time, either for remuneration or otherwise. Also, employees can not engage in any trade, business or occupation and employees should devote their full time and energy to discharging their duties as our employees during working hours.

5. Extension of Probationary Period Policy

The extension of the probationary period is not that common but will be considered in a few circumstances. It is mandatory that the extension of the probationary period is agreed by the employee. The cases given below are eligible for the extension of the probationary period –

  • Non-recurring illness- If the employee falls ill during the probation period which is a non-recurring illness, then probation period will be suspended during the absence of the employee.
  • Any other case which is recommended by the reporting manager or HR department can be considered for probation period extension based on the severity of the circumstances. The probation period will restart once the employee re-joins after leaving.
  • The company can extend the probation period of the employee if in case, the employee is capable of giving their performance and able to fulfil the task or goals related to their assigned work at a particular time given by the manager.

6. Probation Confirmation Policy?

As per the recommendation of the manager and the result of a behaviour performance review, the HR department will issue the employment confirmation letter to the new employee. After handover, the confirmation letter to the employee will be on payroll.

7. Completion of Probation Period Policy

The HR department will collect all the details regarding the work profile, the job performed, feedback of the manager regarding work performance and feedback of teammates regarding the behaviour of the new employee during the probation period.

8. Probation Termination Policy

  • The probationary employee, if does not complete the probation period in a satisfactory manner, will have their appointment terminated.
  • The termination can take place at the end of the probation period or any time in between, depending on the case.
  • If your repetitive fail to achieve the set performance then organization has a right to terminate the employee.
  • The new employee is bound to follow the code of conduct of the organization. In the case of misconduct, the appointment of an employee will be terminated on an immediate basis.
  • The Company shall be entitled to terminate employee services without notice on any of the following grounds: -
    1. If an employee is convicted of a criminal offense by a competent court of Law / Authority.
    2. An employee is found guilty of committing breach of any of the conditions of the employment or rules and regulations of the organization.
    3. If employees misbehave, disobey or refuse to carry out the work orders of their superior / management or are irregular in attendance.
    4. While working with our company, employees are not allowed to do freelancing during working hours or work with any of our clients directly without our permission. Otherwise, employee services will be terminated without any notice and, on account of reason of any of the acts or the omission of the company, shall be entitled to recover the damages from the employee.

9. E-Mailing & Tracking System Policy?

On the first day after joining the company, employees drop an email from their own email ID that he / she joined the company in an (e.g., Designer) Position and the Company can assign the task related to that particular position. Employees will use their own email till the probation period is not getting over. After that, when an employee fulfills their probation period successfully, HR will assign the company credentials to the employee. Employees are mandatory to follow these rules on a regular basis after joining the company: -

Employees should need to send a Morning Status / Working Status /Evening Status mail to their seniors on each working day.

Employees would need to send a Morning Status email after he or she reached the Office to assign the task for the day.

For e.g., morning status can be as follows: -


Good morning! I am writing today's morning status for my current projects which are mentioned below:

  • SRGram
  • Monvy

I have to start with SRGram first, in which I will cover below mentioned topics or sections till lunch time.

# Price Calculator Functionality

# Login/Registration Functionality

# Design blog page

# Writing contents about FAQ page

# Writing contents about Landing page

As my work will process, I will keep updating over the same thread about specific sections or topics.

After lunch I will start work on Monvy and will describe which points or section I will cover for today.

Note: I will manage my other project in between if the client will raise any query through chat or call. Employee should need to send working status mail or skype in every 3 hours for the update and with the proof of screenshot, video or live link demo.

For e.g., work status / progressing status can be as follows: -


Till now I have covered below mentioned points or topics:

SRGram calculation functionality has been done. Please find the attached video for your information and the same I have provided to the Skype group.

Login/Registration functionality has been done. Please find the attached screenshot for your information and the same I have provided to the Skype group.

Now I have to move on below mentioned points or topics.

# Design video section for team page

# Design blog page

# Writing contents about FAQ page

# Writing contents about landing page

As soon as my work is processed, I will keep updating you for the same about specific sections or topics.

Every working day, employees need to mail the evening status before leaving the office. In the evening, email employees should need to describe the entire day's work, a summary of how much work is done by them, how much work is completed and how much is left. Employees should need to attach the proof with the mail of work e.g. – Screenshot, live URL Link, video.

10. Attendance and punctuality Policy

  1. The record pattern of attendance and punctuality will be checked by the ‘Time In register’ or punching machine. It is important that the new employees report to the office every day on time and complete the work duration in the organization. The remarks like ‘late mark’ or ‘early out’ will have a negative impact on your performance
  2. The employee cannot take any leave during their probation period. In case If you are unable to come to the office because of a medical emergency or sickness, you should inform us 1 day before or in the morning 1 hour before the office gets started. You have to drop an email or you need to inform HR anyhow.

Note: - In case if an employee is taking any sudden leaves without taking any permission or without providing any information to HR or management. A company can immediately take action against the employee or the company can terminate employee services with them.

11. Cell Phone Policy at Workplace Policy

Use of mobile phone devices in the office for personal or other calls distracts results and even results in decreased productivity of the employee. So, employees would need to follow these rules: -

  • Employees should keep their phone in their pocket or on their desk.
  • Have to set the phone on silent or vibrate.
  • Can take any essential texts away from their desk
  • Employees cannot use their phones during meetings or office working hours.
  • Employees can use their phone at lunch or break time only.
  • In case of any emergency call, employees can take their calls but employees need to come outside from the office area. Employees might designate a private area.
  • Employees cannot talk or use the phone in the office. In CCTV camera management monitors office activities and if, in CCTV monitoring, management finds that an employee is avoiding following the rules, and then the company can take strict action against the employee.

12. Communication Policy

Employees should be upfront and straightforward about communication and employees need to be very clear when communicating with their co-employees of the company. If a new employee needs to ask for something related to their work or task, or any help or assistance, then employees can ask or directly connect with their seniors or project coordinators. If a new employee is facing any issue or needs any casual help regarding their work or anything else, they can coordinate with their co-employees. Apart from that, employees cannot move from their bench again and again to their other co-employees during the working hours, neither chit-chat nor gossip during the working hours. Employees always need to maintain discipline with their co –employees, seniors and with the management. If a company finds that the employee is using abusing language or misbehaving with their colleagues, then the company can immediately take strict action or can terminate the employee.

13. Monitoring of Network Communications Policy

Use of mobile phone devices in the office for personal or other calls distracts results and even results in decreased productivity of the employee. So, employees would need to follow these rules: -

  • Company reserves the right to monitor at any time any communications that use company networks in any way, including data, voice mail, smart gadgets telephone logs, and Internet use and network traffic, to determine proper use.
  • Company will review network communications activity and will analyses use patterns. Company may choose to publish this data to ensure that company resources in these areas are being used according to this policy.
  • No employee may knowingly disable any network software or system identified as a monitoring tool.

14. Performance Review Policy

When an employee achieves a set performance, follows the code of conduct and shows decent behaviour in the organization, the company will review the performance of hired employees. The company will conduct a meeting with the new employee and discuss performance.

  • Communication with Client: It is mandatory for the Employee to communicate with the client in particular & proper way. Whenever client is asking something to the employee related to the project, then employee should need to available at the moment either it’s related to any query or for any update or any progress or any improvement.
  • Employee should need to give the reply through chat or call (e.g., Skype, WhatsApp).
  • According to the project employee should need to update the client on a particular time. If employees neglect to communicate with the clients, then improper behaviour of the employee will not be tolerated by the company.
  • Maintaining the Deadline: Project manager and seniors set deadlines according to the project, that when client want the project to be done. So, Project coordinator set the deadlines for the employees and according to the mutual acceptance of these deadlines set between both project manager and the employees. Company can face a dispute if client work couldn’t get completed on planned or reasonable deadlines. Poor performance and missing deadlines can cause many issues for the company. So, failing to meet deadlines by the employees can be taken strictly by the company. Project Manager and management will give up to 3 warnings only to the employee but if the employee is creating or repeating the (same) mistakes and fails to give their performance in the company then employee can terminate by the company.
  • E-Mailing & Tracking System: Employee should need to do proper mailing given in this document. Everyday employees have to send morning status /working status /evening status mail according to the particular format. In Case if employee is not following the given mail format or doing improper mailing or avoidance or neglecting the rule then company can take a strict action on it.
  • Discipline & Punctuality: Employee should need to come on punctual time every day and need to maintain the discipline with all the employees. Employee should always need to behave professionally and need to maintain the discipline in office environment.

15. Reward and Recognition Policy

The rewards and incentives policy is for the On-Roll employee. When employees are recognized for their best performance and productivity, there is a reward and recognition policy. This policy helps employees to have increased morale, job satisfaction and increased involvement in the organization. It will also help employees to enjoy a productive and positive work environment. The reward and recognition policy is designed to encourage employees whose performance is outstanding, either individually or through teams that contribute to the overall objective of the organization. The reward & Recognition policy is for permanent employees not for probation employees.

16. Increment Policies

No government increment polices and pay scales are valid in the private sector. Increments will be decided by the company.

An employee can only be eligible for increment after 1 year from the probation clear date.

The employee’s payment increment will depend on his/her performance. The company will never commit an employee to his/her increment percentage.

The company/HR departments will analyses your performance on the following key factors. Performance (Completion of projects on time) Punctuality (Analysis of reporting time) Accuracy (Bug free code) Behaviour (Politeness with colleagues) Communication (The way of conversation with employee) Innovations Learning skills (How much time is taken to adapt to new platforms(s) and increasing professionalism on existing platform(s))

17. Anti-harassment Policy

The company will not support any type of harassment. Any employee can complain to the HR department related to harassment.

Harassment includes molestation, offensive or derogatory jokes, racial or ethnic slurs, unwelcome comments about a person's religion or religious garments, or offensive graffiti, cartoons, or pictures. If an employee is found guilty in a harassment investigation, the company will terminate the employee immediately without any documents.

18. Attendance Policies

If an employee wants to leave, then he/she must inform HR a day before.

  • If, unfortunately, any employee gets ill, then he/she has to inform HR an hour before the time of reporting to the office.
  • Only one paid leave will be granted in a month. If an employee doesn’t take leave in a month, then the paid leave will be carry forward in the next months. leave will be carried forward only 3 months.
  • If, for any reason, an employee has not reached a decided reporting time in the office and later will not report within 15 minutes after the reporting time, then it will be considered as half day none of argument will be heard.

19. Salary Policies

Salary will be credited in the salary account of employees. Salary account will be opened by the company. An employee cannot ask for advance cash or early pay out.

  • If an employee fails to meet the deadline for work, then employees need to extend their working hours or might need to do work on Saturday / Sunday as well to complete the deadline.
  • If an employee fails to meet the deadline or if there is any bug or error during the delivery of a task / code, then due to this the employee needs to extend their working hours or needs to do work late at night from their home or office, or if necessary, to do work on Saturday / Sunday. In this case, the company will not pay extra.
  • Employees cannot leave the company without completing the decided work for the deadline and before leaving the company, employees should need to contact or inform the seniors.
  • If a company asks them to work overtime or assign additional work on Saturday/Sunday or extend their working hours to achieve the deadline of the client, then the company will send the mail to the employee 1 day before and if the employee is ready to do work on that day, then the company will compensate or pay extra to the employee.

20. Promotion Policy

Through this policy, the organization facilitates growth & advancement of its employees. This policy enhances the upward mobility of employees & complements the organization values encouraging employee development.

The organization understands that in the process of meeting company’s objectives, the job responsibilities of an employee may change or enlarge. The organization intends to provide maximum opportunities for promotion, consistent with the business needs & excellence, affirmative action, equal opportunity & a steady performance.

  • Encouraging growth & advancement of employees within the system.
  • To ensure unbiased, fair & transparent movement of employees.
  • To fill in the vacancies utilizing talent from inside the organization.
  • To introduce formal guidelines for planning succession of critical positions.
  • This applies to all payroll employees of the organization
  • Promotion – For the sake of policy, an employee is considered as promoted if his current grade is upgraded.
  • Job Enlargement – Job Enlargement occurs when there is an increase in the number of tasks associated with a certain job. It means increasing the scope of one’s roles & responsibilities which has to be qualitative not quantitative.
  • Appraisal Rating – The rating received by a person during the performance appraisal post the normalization process for the purpose of bell curve can be considered as appraisal rating.

A promotion policy signifies management’s commitment to recognize & reward excellent performance. It motivates people to aspire for advancement opportunities within the organization.

A person is eligible for promotion if:

  • He or she has completed at least three years & two appraisal cycles in the current role.
  • He or she has been recommended for grade change by his appraiser & reviewer.
  • His/her appraisal ratings in the past should show an increasing/ improving trend.
  • Feedback score (if applicable) is more than 4.
  • Performance is observed consistent or is increasing consistently over the years.
  • His current role is enlarged by adding some significant & constructive tasks.
  • Employees working in people management role can be considered for promotion if they are graduate or preferably post graduate.
  • Apart from the performance criteria, the person shall have a good service record in terms of the following:
Ability to multi-task Yes
Right behavior with colleagues, supervisors & subordinates Yes
Good attendance record Yes
Willingness to accept tasks Yes
Honesty & Sincerity Yes
  • A promotion is a career opportunity for an employee involving additional roles & responsibilities; it may also involve an increase in salary and a re-designation.
  • Promotions shall happen once a year only during appraisals.
  • Any employee nominated for promotion during appraisal shall be mandatorily evaluated on the above criteria.
  • Promotion shall always lead to adding more responsibilities.
  • In case of one or more recommendation at the same position, employee with a higher qualification shall always be considered.

21. Company Assets Policy?

Employees must maintain their work environment in an orderly fashion and follow all company rules to ensure its proper use and maintenance.

  • Any employee who is found to have neglected or misused company property will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination.
  • If an employee‘s misuse of property damages the property, the company reserves the right to require the employee to pay all or part of the cost to repair or replace the property. Misappropriation of company property is grounds for immediate termination and possible criminal action.
  • Company property (including computers, pagers, telephones, cell phones, copiers, fax machines, Internet services and printers) is intended for business use only. Limited personal use as necessary is allowable but should be the exception and not the rule.
  • Outside hardware will not be allowed to be used in the company, like Pen drive, Gadgets, Personal Laptop, Hard-Disk, Personal Floppy, CD, DVD Writer, Pager. If a company gives permission to use it, then it will be applicable.

22. Use and Dissemination of Company Information Policy?

“Information,” as the term is used in this policy, includes without limitation any information owned or used by the Company, such as:

  • Any company employee, customer or client lists.
  • Any Company database information, including addresses and telephone numbers.
  • Any information from company employee personnel files, including employee addresses, telephone numbers, employment status and wage history.
  • Any photographs, videotapes and sound clips of any company employee, customer or client.

Only those employees who are authorized by the company board of directors or executive team, or whose job description permits them to do so, may speak on behalf of the company. Notwithstanding the foregoing, specific permission from the company board of directors or executive team will be required before any employee disseminates confidential company information. No employee may knowingly dispense such information to any outside party unless authorization has been granted. This could include other employees who do not have the right to know such information. Any breach will be considered a violation of company policy concerning confidentiality, and it may constitute a violation of state or federal law.

23. Resign Policies?

If an employee wants to resign, then the employee has to send a resignation letter to

The notice period for the employee after resignation will be 30 days.

Employee will receive following documents on the relief date: - Experience Letter, NOC Letter, 3 Months’ salary slips, Deposited Documents

Note:- After resignation, employees will be relieved by the company as written above.

Note:- If an employee resigns one year, has not finished the given project or does not complete the notice period, then the employee won’t get any documents.

Note: Any exception to the policy shall have special approval from the CEO & HR Head. HR deserves the right to modify/ amend the policy at any point in time without intimation.